Hello There, today we will be solving your problem

Let's solve this simple percentage problem,
Percentage - Percentages are essentially fractions where the denominator is 100. To show that a number is a percent, we use the percent symbol (%) beside the number.
Cross Multiplication - In mathematics, specifically in elementary arithmetic and elementary algebra, given an equation between two fractions or rational expressions, one can cross-multiply to simplify the equation or determine the value of a variable.
Division - Division, otherwise known as the inverse of multiplication separates a certain number into what it has been divided by.
Now that we understand the definition we can further solve this equation

Now we will add to solve this equation

Now we will do cross multiplication

Finally, we will do some division

- Airen and Megan are making admission tickets to the White Station Middle School dance. So far they have made 231 tickets, and their plans are to make 330 tickets. What percent of the admission tickets has Airen and Megan produced so far? Solve the problem using the percent formula.
The answer is
Have a good day!