knowing the main ideas/starting the essay
Step-by-step explanation:
To start I would know the main idea/ideas of the essay and maybe writing down notes for it can help
Negative liberty:
-main idea
-important point)
exedra, It's good to start with a thesis.
If your having trouble starting to write the best thing you can do is research; find sites and collect information on the topic, it doesn't have to be in order sometimes typing out small ideas is helpful.
To start an essay I normally think of something that would make me want to keep reading. (something captivating and short but still informative)
Everyone gets writer's block-- that's okay! depending on when you need the essay done, taking a step back or a break from writing can help clear your mind. (by taking your time you're allowing yourself to be more creative! it's okay to take a break if you need it)
(sites ending with edu. , gov. or org is commonly the most helpful)