Answer in bold and underlined.
Answer 1: Vosotros recogéis juguetes para donar.
Translation 1: You will collect toys to donate.
Answer 2: Yo juzgue una película en un festival.
Translation 2: I judged a film at a festival.
Answer 3: Roberta niega la posibilidad de comprar una mansión.
Translation 3: Roberta denies the possibility of buying a mansion.
Answer 4: Jaime y Juan gozan de unas vacaciones en Colombia.
Translation 4: Jaime and Juan enjoy a vacation in Colombia.
Answer 5: Yo saque la carne del horno.
Translation 5: I took the meat out of the oven.
Answer 6: Ellos estuvieron en el Caribe el verano pasado.
Translation 6: They were in the Caribbean last summer.
Answer 7: Emanuel tuvo un accidente en el auto.
Translation 7: Emanuel had an accident in the car.
Answer 8: Gabriel prefiere una sopa de pescado.
Translation 8: Gabriel prefers a fish soup.
Answer 9: Yo comía muchas frutas de niño.
Translation 9: I ate a lot of fruit as a child.
Answer 10: Tú miras películas animadas.
Translation 10: You watch animated movies.
Answer 11: Diana tenia diecinueve años cuando se graduó.
Translation 11: Diana was nineteen when she graduated.
Answer 12: Cuando Hilda y yo llegamos, eran las diez de la noche.
Translation 12: When Hilda and I arrived, it was ten o'clock at night.
Answer 13: Arturo miraba videos en Internet cuando Horacio lo llamó.
Translation 13:Arturo was watching videos on the Internet when Horacio called him.
Answer 14:La señora Ortiz solía una buena maestra.
Translation 14: Mrs. Ortiz used to be a good teacher.
Answer 15: Elías sabia hablar tres idiomas.
Translation 15: Elijah knew how to speak three languages.
Answer 16: De joven, Alberto podia correr 6 millas en una hora.
Translation 16: As a young man, Alberto could run 6 miles in an hour.