8 bagels
This is a remainder division problem. We need to divide 719 by 9 and find the remainder.
First off, 9 is bigger than 7, so we need to move to the next digit. How many times does 9 go into 71? 9 times 7 is 63! That's the closest smaller number we can get, so I will write a 7 in the long division problem above the 1. I will subtract 63 from 71 to get 8.
9 | 719
Now, the 9 can be brought down, making our 8 into an 89. How many times does 9 go into 89? 9 times 9 is 81! That's the closest we can get! I will write a 9 by the 7 above the 9 in 719, and write 81 below the 89. Subtracting these leaves us with a remainder of 8.
9 | 719
-63 ↓
This means that the bagels were sent in 9 equal shipments of 79 bagels each, and the baker was left with 8 bagels!