I believe Saynday is more intelligent than the fox
Step-by-step explanation:
When saynday was walking around he bumped into fox and his other animal friends who were all discussing their current situation, they were comp[laining a lot. Saynday took the initiative and decided they could come up with a plan to fix their problem so by taking the initiative instead of complaining we can see a little bit of her intelligence, as the story goes along they decide to go through with a plan, fox goes over and runs until he can see light, when he saw people there he snuck up on the people playing with the light and took it he ran and threw it to the deer who threw it to the bird but people were complaining that it was to bright and hot so saynday threw the sun up into the air.
I believe saynday is more intelligent because of their exceptional problem solving skills and intelligence shown throughout the story, fox was no smarter than the other animals he was previously hanging out with.