Match These
16 Points
Match each item in Column A with its definition in Column B. Write the correct letter in the
blank provided. Then answer the following questions with two or three sentences each.
Column A
Column B
A. early Americans
B. huge animals with shaggy fur and long tusks,
hunted by early Americans
1. Atlantis
2. artifacts
3. Beringia
4. archaeology
5. Asia
6. nomads
7. mastodon
8. spears
9. migration
10. maize
11. carbon dating
12. farmers, hunters, fishers,
C. scientific method used to determine the age of a
bone or piece of wood
D. mass movement of people into a new homeland
E. ancient stone tools, weapons, baskets, and carvings
F. people who moved from place to place, mainly in
search of food
G. long pole with a sharp point used to hunt bison
and other animals
H. continent once connected to the Americas by a
land bridge
I early form of corn, first raised in Mexico about
9,000 years ago
J. land bridge that once joined Siberia to present-day
K. an island that was supposed to have sunk in the
Atlantic Ocean
L. the study of ancient peoples