This is it in english if that helps more. Also I don't know why the numbering is weird like that.
Step-by-step explanation:
Exercise 1. Complete the questions and answers with the conjugated verb.
1. you work..(work, you)? - YES, I work....(work) in a company.
2. (do you have) brothers? YES, I...(have) an older brother.
3. &..(work) your siblings or your parents? yes my older brother................. (work) in a company, but my father...(be unemployed.
4. Where...mother
5.**************university, but
6.Me ************* (live) your parents? - My father in Haapsalu, in a country house. She....(to live) (study, you) at the university? -No I do not.... ....(learn, you) French once a week or twice a week? - ..(learn) French twice a week. *********** HAVE ..(read) texts and books,
11. work.
7. What activities....... (do) you and your classmates in your French classes? -Us..(listen) auditions,....(learn it grammar, ..(write) essays and papers......
9. What languages Estonian and Swedish. Me.....
12. What ........water, but sometimes .....(study) French at a language school.
8. What is more difficult when... ...(you learn) a language: grammar,
pronunciation, oral or written expression, reading? Me (believe ....(depend) on the language. Chinese is difficult, for example. *******
10. To go to school or work, bus? - Me......(be) dead, but my ..(live) alone...(study in the**********************
15. What sports...........(speak, you)? - I(speak) Spanish, English, Russian, Finnish,...(understand) Portuguese, but not...(speak).-
13. How often..............three times a week my house.
14. What....(walk, you) or..........(travel) by tram, but sometimes...(eat, you) at noon (=keskpäeval)? - I eat).....(travel, you) in.....(drink, you) when ........ (eat, you)? -I drink)...(drink) juice, water or beer.....(clean, you) your house?- Me.........(to walk)....(clean up)..............(like, you) do in summer? - In summer me and my family.....(rest) in our summer house..(practice, you): football, aerobics, fitness, tennis?- Me