Aids in the prevention of rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.
Aids in the prevention of tooth decay.
Aids in the prevention of cancer.
Aids in the prevention of scurvy.
Aids in the prevention of heart disease.
Aids in the prevention of high blood pressure.
Aids in the prevention of arthritis.
Aids in the prevention of diabetes.
Aids in the prevention of muscle cramps.
Aids in the prevention of anemia.
Aids in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
Aids in the prevention of cataracts.
Aids in the prevention of macular degeneration.
Aids in the prevention of glaucoma.
Aids in the prevention of §60.6 billion in health care costs.
What else can I do to make sure I am getting enough vitamin C?
The amount of vitamin C in foods can vary depending on how the food is grown and how it is handled.
Choose foods that are fresh or frozen.
Choose foods that are in-season.
Step-by-step explanation: