Patrick H.
Physics 101 Mechanics
6 months, 3 weeks ago
My answer: Given a wave of weight with a particular wavelength and amplitude, what must be the amplitude wavelength and phase change you add to create a wave of twice the amplitude. So the amplitude, the wavelength and the phase of the second wave have to be the same because in order to have these add up together or to be twice they have to interact via constructive interference. And that's only possible when the wavelength and the phase are the same. So in constructive interference, the waves overlap with one another to form a third wave With an amplitude equivalent to the sum of the two. So for example, one wave in red, let's say, another wave in pink. And there are a total wave. Is that some of these to something like this? So the amplitude wavelength and face have to be the same.
Given a wave of a particular wavelength and amplitude, what must be the amplitude, wavelength, and phase change of a wave you add to this wave to create a wave of twice the amplitude? given a wave of a particular wavelength and amplitude, what must be the amplitude, wavelength, and phase change of a wave you add to this wave to create a wave of twice the amplitude?
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So given a wave of weight with a particular wavelength and amplitude, what must be the amplitude wavelength and phase change you add to create a wave of twice the amplitude. So the amplitude, the wavelength and the phase of the second wave have to be the same because in order to have these add up together or to be twice they have to interact via constructive interference. And that's only possible when the wavelength and the phase are the same. So in constructive interference, the waves overlap with one another to form a third wave With an amplitude equivalent to the sum of the two. So for example, one wave in red, let's say, another wave in pink. And there are a total wave. Is that some of these to something like this? So our amplitude wavelength and face have to be the same.