Michael and Alaina respect each other and have no problem expressing their needs.
Passive Communication:
Avoiding to express your thoughts and feelings. People who are passive often have low-confidence and are people-pleasers.
Common phrases a passive communicator would use are:
“You’re right, everything is my fault.”
“I’m sorry!”
Assertive Communication:
Expressing your thoughts and feelings in a straightforward way but without putting down or disrespecting others. People who are assertive are often confident, but not so overly-confident that they think they’re better than others.
Common phrases a assertive communicator would use are:
“I respect your opinion, but I disagree.”
“Let’s agree to disagree.”
Aggressive Communication:
To express your thoughts and feelings but by putting down and disrespecting others. People who are aggressive are often abusive and overly-confident.
Common phrases a aggressive communicator would use are:
“It’s all your fault!”
“I’m right you’re wrong!”