Step 1: How to multiply Fractions
Fractions are number that have two-part numerator and denominator e.g

To multiply fractions, you multiply the numerator and denominator

Then you reduce the result to the lowest form if possible.
Step 2: How to Divide fractions
Dividing a fraction is very similar to the multiplication of fractions. Just that you are to change the division symbol to multiplication and then you take the reciprocal of the fraction.
5/8 ÷ 3/4
This will become

Note that the 4 at the numerator is used to divide 8 at the denominator
Step; How to Add and Subtract Fractions
To add or subtract fraction, you make use of the LCM of the denominators

Note that: Divide the denominator by the LCM and multiply the result by the numerator
Similarly for subtraction

Note that you can also use a similar approach to Mixed Fractions
For mixed fractions, you can convert the fraction to an improper fraction and follow the approach above.
Alternatively, you can use this

A similar method also goes for addition.