1.According to Kroszner, without a central bank, the U.S. might revert to the system in place before the creation of the Fed: one of private clearinghouses that would determine short-term liquidity, altering short-term interest rates.
2.The more you earn, the more taxes you pay—but the U.S. progressive federal income tax system lessens the bite somewhat. Since the system levies different tax rates on different portions of an individual's income, your entire income won't be subject to a higher tax bracket when you get a raise.
3.When property rights are not clearly defined or adequately protected, market failure can occur. That is, no solution that meets the needs of all parties involved can be achieved. ... The individual drivers on the roads have no distinct property rights. The result is an inefficient allocation of highway travel.
4.Under the Code, if a decedent is not survived by a spouse or descendants, the entire net estate passes to the decedent's parents equally or, if only one survives, to the survivor.
5.Land use and land cover changes have significant environmental consequences at local, regional, and global scales. These changes have intense implications at the regional and global scales for global loss of biodiversity, distresses in hydrological cycles, increase in soil erosion, and sediment loads
6.Labor market institutions affect high-growth firms by influencing the supply of skilled workers to new or expanding firms. Legal and institutional hurdles preventing firms from laying off workers who underperform discourage potential high-growth firms from expanding.
7.The federal government also influences education by allocating funding only to those school districts that follow certain federal guidelines. Roughly three percent of the federal budget is spent on education as of 2017 - a small proportion, of course, but in many years this amounts to billions of dollars.
8.The federal government mainly provides funding and oversees certain safety requirements. The state, regional, and local governments help fund, plan, construct, operate, and maintain different transportation infrastructure, such as highways, streets and roads, transit systems, and intercity rail
9.Land prices – the value of farm land is influenced directly and indirectly by federal fiscal policy, federal and state tax policy, conservation policy, and economic decisions made by government. ... That tax policy could be an impediment to transitioning farms to new generations of farmers?
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