The elements in order of the most to the fewest valence electrons are: Neon(Ne), Oxygen(O), Nitrogen(N), Sodium(NA), Aluminium(Al), Silicon(Si), Chlorine(Cl) and Calcium(Ca).
To arrange the elements in order of the most to the fewest valence electrons, you can use their respective group numbers:
1. Neon (Ne) - 8 valence electrons
2. Oxygen (O) - 6 valence electrons
3. Nitrogen (N) - 5 valence electrons
4. Sodium (Na) - 1 valence electron
5. Aluminum (Al) - 3 valence electrons
6. Silicon (Si) - 4 valence electrons
7. Chlorine (Cl) - 7 valence electrons
8. Calcium (Ca) - 2 valence electrons
The elements are listed from top to bottom based on their group number or the number of valence electrons, starting with the element having the most valence electrons (Neon) at the top and ending with the element having the fewest valence electrons (Calcium) at the bottom.