11,629 divided by 29 = 401
Essentially, the way I process division is I think of it as seeing how many times we can subtract. For this problem we would first see how many times 29 goes into 116, it goes in 4 times. We would then put the four above the problem, next we bring the two down. 29 goes into 2 no times so next we put a 0 next to the four. Afterwords, we would bring the 9 down next to the 2 and see how many times 29 goes into 29, that is 1 time. We put the 1 above next to the 4 and the 0 thus making 401. You can then check your work by multiplying your answer by the number you are dividing by.
401 times 29 = 11629 so you know you got your answer correct.
Good luck!