The total item price is $265.50 while the total price with sales tax inclusive is $282.76
Here, we want to determine the sales price of each of the individual items, the total price of all and the appropriate sales tax
To get the price of each, we find the discount off the price of each
Mathematically, that would be;

We follow through each of the chosen items as follows
1) Blu-Ray player

2) Jeans

3) Set of Books

4) Sneakers

5) Cell Phone

Now, we proceed to get the total of all the items
This is simply obtainable by adding up all the calculated prices
Mathematically, that would be;
174.125 + 26.86 + 12.75 + 14.8 + 36.96 = 265.495
This is a total of $265.50
Now, we want to calculate the total price with the value of the sales tax inclusive
Mathematically, that would be;