2/3 ---->8/12
7/12 ----> 7/12
1) Equivalent fractions have the same value proportionally, so let's find out equivalent fractions:

2) To find equivalent fractions and sum those fractions, let's factorize 3 and 12 dividing them only by Prime Numbers, when one of those numbers can't be divided then we repeat it below:
As we can see on the first line, 12 can be divided by 2 and 3 cannot.
So we repeat 3 on the line below.
We then picked 6 and divided by 2, and then repeated below 3.
Then divided3 by 3
3) Now we can rewrite 2/3 + 7/12 as:
So using the Least Common Denominator we have 2/3 (8/12) and 7/12 (7/12) as their equivalent fractions. Note that 7/12 in this case is equivalent to itself.