The question asks us to convert mixed fractions to improper fraction.
The first Mixed fraction is:

In order to convert this into an improper fraction, we need to follow some steps:
1. Multiply the denominator by the whole number.
2. Add the result of the multiplication in step 1 to the numerator.
3. The result from step 2 is the new numerator and use the current denominator as the new denominator.
Let us now apply these steps to answer the question
1. Multiply the denominator by the whole number.

2. Add the result of the multiplication in step 1 to the numerator.

3. The result from step 2 is the new numerator and use the current denominator as the new denominator.

Therefore, the answer is:

Now, let us use the same rules for the next question.

1. Multiply the denominator by the whole number.

2. Add the result of the multiplication in step 1 to the numerator.

3. The result from step 2 is the new numerator and use the current denominator as the new denominator.

Therefore, the final answer is: