To determine if a system of equation have solution you have to determine if the slope (m) is equal or diferent.
If the slope is the same it has NO solution
If the slope is different has a solution
If the equations are equivalents have infinite solutions
To determine the slope the equation must be is the form:

y = 5 – 3x
In this equation the slope is m = -3
y = -3x + 4
In this equation the slope is m= - 3
The system has NO solution
y = 4x – 1
m= 4
4y = 16x – 4
You need to simplify the equation, as follow:

Then the equation are the same it means the system has infinited solutions.
5x – 2y = 3

m= 5/2
10x – 4y = 6


Then the equation are the same it means the system has infinited solutions.
D. 3x + 7y = 42

m= -3/7
6x + 14 y = 50

m= -3/7
The system has NO solution
y = 5 + 2x
m= 2
y = 5x + 2
m= 5
The system has one solution
Then the systems that have NO solution are: A and D