Exponential regression
In order to find the exponential regression we are going to select some values of the given data.
An special value is when x=0.
On the table we can see that when x=0 then y=9
Replacing x by 0 in the given choices, we have that:

Observing the results we have that the two choices with closer results to 9 are A (with 8.04) and C (with 6.61)
Now, we are going to select two additional values from the table in order to find which is the best answer: A or C.
Let's take x=1.
When x = 1, then y=10.
Replacing on the equation A we have:

and for the equation C:

For x=1, the nearest result is from the equation C.
Let's verify what happens when x=2.
When x=2 then y=16. Replacing on the equation A we have:

and for the equation C:

Again, for x=2, the nearest result is from the equation C.
Then, we can conclude that the best candidate is equation C.
We could try other values of x to double check: