The current price does not match the trend from 1960-2000
1) Let's find the average current price of a hamburger considering the current year:
AA Burger $5.79
McDonald's: $2.49
Sonny's: $2.59
So let's find the average current price from these sellers:

So the average current price of a hamburger is $3.62
2) Examining that table we can see the following data, calling each decade by 1 (x) and the price (y)
(1, 0.15), (2,0.30), (3, 0.50), (4, 0.75), and (5, 0.89)
Let's plot that to find the trendline of that prices and then find out the value for the 2020s:
Since we want to know the trend for the price, considering 1 to be the decade, and y the price, let's plug into that x=7 (for 2020)

So the average current price of a hamburger is over the trend for the price of a hamburger in the 2020s. Note that the trend predicts a lower price.
3) Hence, the answer is:
The current price does not match the trend from 1960-2000