⇒ First of all I would say consider the punctuation. For e.g The independent I in between should be in capital letters.
→Repetition of words and/or using a single meaningful words
⇒ dry your poem as much as possible, it most likely entertains the readers or the audience if you are rendering it.
For e.g Each step with rhythm with
The gentle patter of rain
Each step rhyming with the gentle patter of rain...
e.g I sway as the grass sway
⇒I sway as so with the grass
e.g When the breeze turns
Into a gale in my head.
⇒As the breeze turns
Into a gale in my head.
e.g I can't dance in the light.
So I dance in the dark ,
⇒ I dance in the dark
for the light approves not of who I am.
Note that is how I was going to put it to convey the feeling to the audience without a doubt.
Other than that your poem is so nice, I approve of it out of 10 I will give it 6/10 ...but if you adjust and edit the mistakes I will give it a 10/10
Improve in using words ,be in the moment and play with words such that even the audience can feel what you are saying or the motive you had of writing the poem before you ever are to explain to them.