Step-by-step explanation:
The captivating factual account of the hunt for Tutankhamun's tomb, the Western notion that business dealings are unfortunate, and the struggle to recover the treasure inside is told by Candace Fleming. Tutankhamun, a tragically young Pharaoh who perished young, ruled the New Kingdom of Egypt. In his grave were all the treasures he would require to get to the hereafter. It finally became submerged beneath the sands of the Valley of the Kings as time went on. There was supposedly a curse on his tomb. Years later, when the Egyptian fever had spread throughout Europe, a wealthy gambling count and a determined archaeologist from Britain with a bad reputation spent years seeking to uncover and open Tutankhamun's tomb. I made an effort, but it will soon be clear that the old forces will demand revenge for disrupting and perhaps plundering the Pharaoh's tomb. Two Brits who dug the ancient Egyptians were specialists and nobles who ate lavishly on crystal and china, whereas the Egyptian labourers were unheard of and unknown. But Carter and Carnarvon here mainly ignore the lavish treasures of King Tutankhamun's tomb, found in 1922, detailed in wonderfully lovely detail and illustrated in finely chosen images, the center of the action. frustration directed towards the British colonial authorities who permitted access to the tombs. The unpleasant part is that each chapter ends with a section that starts "It was stated," followed by anecdotes of terrible signs and things that happened to those who even had connections to the tomb and its riches. argues against the existence of the mummy curse, but his first line of thought is Orientalist and does not accord with the main historical narrative, which is the direct account of Carter's excavations.