Answer and explanation:
DNA and GENES: both plants and animals have the ability to grow and reproduce which require genes on DNA which gets passed on to the progenies.
Cells: because both plants and animals are living things, they have cells.
Waste production: is different (plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis and carbon dioxide during respiration animals do not make photosynthesis).
Food intake: different.
Respiration: common, both have mitochondrias.
Transpiration: it´s different. In plants, transpiration cools plants and enables mass flow of mineral nutrients and water from roots to shoots. In animals, the process is sometimes called perspiration or sweating.
Breathing: breathing is different from respiration. Animals breathe which is a step involved in respiration. Plants take part in respiration all through their life as the plant cell needs the energy to survive, however, plants breathe differently, through a process known as cellular respiration.
Response to stimuli: both plants and animals respond to external stimuli. Animals show quick response to stimuli while plants show slow response to stimuli. Plants show response only to certain stimuli (light and touch). Animals to many stimuli, (light, heat , pressure, smell etc).