The invention of quantum mechanics as one of the most significant revolutions in the history of science. Let's describe the discovery, the scientists involved, and how the discovery was made.
We have the following:
• Discovery A: Quantum
Scientists involved: Max Planck
Discovery made: Max Planck explains body radiation and invents the quantum
• Discovery B: ,Photoelectric effect.
Scientists involved: Albert Einstein
Discovery made: Albert Einstein explains the photoelectric effect.
• Discovery C: ,Two-slit experiment
Scientists involved: Geoffrey Taylor
Discovery made: Geoffrey Taylor conducts the two-slit experiment.
• Discovery D: ,Model of atom
Scientist involved: Niels Bohr
Discovery made: He introduces the model of atom.
• Discovery E: ,Particle nature of electromagnetic radiation.
Scientists involved: Arthur Compton
Discovery made: Arthur was the first scientist to demonstrate the particle nature of electromagnetic radiation experimentally.
• Discovery F,: Wave-particle duality
Scientist involved: Louis de Broglie
Discovery made: Louis de Broglie proposes wave-particle duality
• Discovery G: ,Schrödinger equation
Scientist involved: Erwin Schrödinger
Discovery made: He formulates the Schrödinger equation.
• Discovery H: , Uncertainty Principle
Scientist involved: Werner Heisenberg
Discovery made: Werner Heisenberg states the uncertainty principle
• Discovery I:, The paradox of Schrödinger’s, ,cat.
Scientist involved: Erwin Schrödinger
Discovery made: He describes the paradox of Schrödinger’s cat.