To write the given numbers as fractions of 100, percentages, and decimals, we first need to estimate their values on the number line. Once, we have the values of the numbers, we can write the as a fraction of 100 as
As percentages as
And as decimals as
The estimate of the value of three numbers is 27, 45, 67.
Writing the above as fractions of 100 gives
As a percentage, these numbers are
To write the numbers as decimals we divide them by 100 to get
(remember that dividing by 100 shifts the decimal point to the left by 2 digits)
The estimate of the values of the three numbers are 57, 74, and 89
Writing these numbers as fractions gives
As a percentage these numbers are
And as decimals
The estimate of the value of the three numbers is 22, 36, 55.
Writing them as a fraction gives
As a per cent these numbers are written as