GCF is the greatest common factor of some numbers
We need to find the GCF of 525, 135, 750
Since all the numbers end by 5 or 0, then
All of them can divide by 5
Then the first common factor of them is 5
![\begin{gathered} (525)/(5)=105 \\ (135)/(5)=27 \\ (750)/(5)=150 \end{gathered}](https://img.qammunity.org/2023/formulas/mathematics/college/e69uvsdpuhda0zua4vwjzqw40xat4wffnx.png)
Since the sum of digits of 105 = 1 + 0 + 5 = 6, and 6 can divide by 3
Then 3 is a factor of 105
Since The sum of the digits of 27 = 2 + 7 = 9 and 9 can divide by 3
Then 3 is a factor of 27
Since the sum of the digits of 150 = 1 + 5 + 0 = 6 and 6 can divide by 3
Then 3 is a factor of 150
Then 3 is the second common factor of them
![\begin{gathered} (105)/(3)=35 \\ (27)/(3)=9 \\ (150)/(3)=50 \end{gathered}](https://img.qammunity.org/2023/formulas/mathematics/college/jrxh07c9aq96co4ngx6itvc47r1vpbtt30.png)
Since 35, 9, and 50 can not divide by the same number, then
The greatest common factor of 525, 135, 750 is
![\begin{gathered} \text{GCF}=5*3 \\ \text{GCF}=15 \end{gathered}](https://img.qammunity.org/2023/formulas/mathematics/college/yjpb7elddni8736o6r5l1ozoorvq6bzpsi.png)
The GCF of 525, 135, and 750 is 15