Lets start by graphing the triangle. We will add the points first and then connect them.
The points are:

So we will get the following:
Now, the dilatation will be about point (-3, 6). It is easier to make the dilatation about the origin, so we can first translate the points (-3, 6) to the origin (0, 0), make the dilatation about the origin and then translate it back to (-3, 6).
Translate (-3, 6) to (0, 0) means to add 3 to the x coordinate and substract 6 from the y coordinate. We will apply this to all vertexes of the triangle:

We get this:
Now, we apply the dilatation about (0, 0) (remeber that our center is now at the origin). The scale factor is 1/3, so we just multiply all the coordinates by it:

We get:
And now we need to translate the center back to (-3, 6), which we do by substracting 3 from x and adding 6 to y (the contrary as we did before), we do this for all the vertexes too:

Drawing this, we have: