$$minimum_-value_-y=-20$$To graph properly, we must observe the maximum and minimum values of our variables x and y.
First we need to know if our values in x and y are even, odd or both:
For the case of x: the points can be either even or odd, and the separation between them is not uniform, which is why the increment of the x-axis must be 1.
For the case of y: the points are all even, so the increment of the y-axis can be 2
Now to know where the maximum and minimum values of x and y should be, we will take as a reference the value of the increase of the axes and we will multiply it by 2 and we will add it to the maximum value and we will subtract it from the minimum value in both axes. As follows:

• Minimum x-value : 0
• Maximum x-value : 27
• Increment for x-axis : 1
• Minimum y-value : -24
• Maximum y-value : 30
• Increment for y-axis : 2