To calculate how much time has passed from 3:54 pm to 5:00 am is best to do it by parts.
First, calculate how much time is between 3:54 pm to the next hour, that is 4:00pm
Each hour has 60 minutes, to determine how much time is left for the 60minutes to be complete you have to subtract 54min from 60 min

Between 3:54 pm and 4 pm there are 6 minutes
Second, let's calculate the time between 4 pm and the last hour of the day, that is 12:00am, to do so you have to calculate the difference between both times:

Between 4:00 pm and 12:00am there are 8 hours.
Third, calculate the time between 12:00am and 5:00am. Midnight can be also be written as 00:00am. Using this expression, calculate the amount of hours between both times as:

Between midnight and 5:00am there are 5 hours.
The final step is to add all calculated times to determine how much time passed between 3:54 pm and 5:00 am

The total time is 13 hours and 6 minutes