The original price of the Skye Bouncer trampoline is $1480
15% of $1480 is:

The discounted price of the Skye Bouncer trampoline is $1480 - $222 = $1258
7.5% of $1258 is:

Adding taxes, the final cost of the Skye Bouncer trampoline is $1258 + $94.35 = $1352.35
The original price of the Ultimate trampoline is $1450
13% of $1450 is:

The discounted price of the Ultimate trampoline is $1450 - $188.5 = $1261.5
7.5% of $1261.5 is

Adding taxes, the final cost of the Ultimate trampoline is $1261.5 + $94.61 = $1356.11
The Skye bouncer has the lower sale price