We are given a 2D grid which represents the cartesian coordinates of any point as follows:

A point is displayed on the ( 2D ) grid for the following coordinates:

We are to perform two transformation on the given point.
Transformation 1: Translate 4 units right
To translate the point 4 units to the right we will move 4 units along the x-axis with each unit correspond to a side of square box on the grid. Hence, for 4 unit translation we will move 4 boxes to the right of the given point and arrive at:

Transformation 2: Translate 1 unit up
To translate the point 1 unit up we will move 1 unit along the y-axis with each unit correspond to a side of square box on the grid. Hence, for 1 unit translation we will move 1 box above the trabnsformation 1 and arrive at:

Hence, the image of the given point is a combination of two translations and given as: