
Note: We know that one minute has 60 seconds. In other words, we can say that 60 seconds make a minute.So, first of all we will convert one minute into seconds. Then we will solve further.
As mentioned in the Note provided above, 1 minute is equal to 60 seconds. In other words, we can say that a minute consists of 60 seconds.
1 Minute = 60 seconds
Then 2 Minutes = 60 * 2 = 120 Second
We have to express 20 seconds as a fraction of one minute that means we need to express 20 seconds as a fraction of 120 seconds.

Therefore the answer = 1/6.
Here are some of the important conversions:
- 1 Minutes = 60 second
- 1 Hour = 60 Minutes
- 1 Hour = 3600 Second
- 1 Day = 24 Hours
- 1 Week = 7 Days
- 1 Year = 365/366 Days (Depend on February if it 28 or 29)