Choose the correct translation
1. Ellos llegaron tarde a la fiesta.
a. They arrived to the party late.
b. They were arriving to the party late.
2. Usted iba de vacaciones a Perú.
a. You went on vacation to Peru.
b. You used to go on vacation to Peru.
3. Nosotros caminamos a la tienda con Elisa y Lupe.
a. We walked to the store with Elisa and Lupe.
b. We were walking to the store with Elisa and Lupe.
4. Yo hacia mi tarea en la tarde.
a. I did ny homework in the afternoon.
b. I used to do iny homework in the afternoon
5. Empezaba a llover cuando sali de la casa
a.It started to rain when I was leaving the house.
b. It was starting to rain when I left the house.
6. Veíamos la televisión cuando los abuelos llegaron.
a. We watched TV when our grandparents arrived.
ntahing Ty when our grandparents arrived. Yeah