This problem describes a situation where an event wishes to sell 110 scoops of ice cream in cylindrical cartons. Each carton has 11 cm in radius and a height of 30 cm. Each scoop of ice cream has a radius of 3 cm. We need to determine how many cartons of ice cream we should order to make 100 scoops.
We need to determine the volume of each scoop, since they're spheres with radius of 3 cm, the volume is given by:
Now we need to determine the volume of the cartoons:
Now we need to multiply the volume of each scoop by 100:
Since the volume for 100 scoops is less than the total volume for one carton, we can buy a single carton for 100 scoops.
For the second part, we need to calculate how much ice cream she will need to fill 50 cups that have a cone shape, she also intends to put a half scoop on top. We can draw the following situation to better represent the problem:
We need to calculate the volume of each cup, which is done by calculating the volume of the cone and the hemisphere that is on top of it:
Now we need to multiply the volume for each portion by 50, to determine how much she will need for the 50 cups.
Now we need to add the volume for the 50 cups to the 100 scoops from before.
Now we need to divide the volume of icecream we need by the volume of one carton:
We need 2 cartons.