0-12 years 13-19 years Total
Knee 14 9 23
Ankle 13 3 16
Quadricep 6 9 15
Shin 9 6 15
Total 42 27 69
Now we can calculate the chi square statistic given by:

The expected values for this case are:
0-12 years 13-19 years Total
Knee 14 9 23
Ankle 9.74 6.26 16
Quadricep 9.13 5.87 15
Shin 9.13 5.87 15
Total 42 27 69
Then the statistic is given by:

Solving we got:

The degrees of freedom are given by:
df = (2-1)*(4-1)= 3
And the p value is given by:
p = P(X > 5.53) = 0.137
Since the p value is higher than 0.05 we can conclude that we fail to reject the null hypothesis of independence
So then the correct answer is: