To determine the distance between the Party supply store and the art gallery, you have to determine the position of each store and subtract them.
The stores are in the same horizontal line (y=2), the supply store is at x₁=1 and the art gallery is at x₂=7, the distance (d₁) between both stores can be calculated as:

The distance between the party supply store and the art gallery is 6 blocks.
Next you have to determine the distance between the art gallery and the dry cleaners. Both stores are on the same vertical line (x=7), to calculate the distance you have to determine the difference between their positions over the y-axis.
The art gallery is at y₁=2 and the dry cleaners is at y₂=7. The distance between both stores (d₂) can be calculated as:

The dry cleaner is 5 blocks away from the art gallery.
Now add both distances to determine how far would you walk

The distance walked is 11 blocks