Here we have as the name states, levels of organization in biological systems, so we will start at an atomic level and we will finish at the level of organism, with this in mind we can proceed to analyze each statement.
Atomic-level: Here we have atoms, so the example are elements of the periodic table. 3D
Molecular-level: Here we have several atoms joined, so the examples are biomolecules. 7F
Celular-level: Here we are talking of living units, so the example is cell types. 5G
Tissue-level: Here we have several cells joined working together so the example is types of tissue. 1B
Organ-level: Here tissues compose complete structures so the examples are organ types. 6E
Organ system-level: Here we have a group of organs working for the same process so the examples are system types. 2C
Organism-level: Here we have a complete complex individual.