We have to represent the fractions and see if they are equivalent.
a) To represent the fractions we take into account that the denominator tells us in how many parts the unit is divided and the numerator represents how many of this parts are represented by the fraction.
In the case of 2/4, the unit is divided in 4 parts and the fraction represents 2 of those 4 parts. We then can represent this as:
We also have represented 1/2, which is the unit divided by 2 and representing one of this parts.
Both fractions represent half of the unit, so they are equivalent.
b) We can represent this fractions, 2/3 and 4/8, as:
In this case, the fractions represent different quantities, so they are not equivalent
c) In this case, we represent 2/5 and 3/9:
They do not represent the same quantity, so they are not equivalent.
d) Finally, we represent 5/6 and 10/12.
In this case, we dont have the divisions, so we have to draw them.
For the first, we divide the unit in 6 parts and paint 5 of them. For the second, we divide in 12 parts and paint 10 of them:
In this case, the fractions are equivalent and represent the same quantities.
a) Equivalent
b) Not equivalent
c) Not equivalent
d) Equivalent.