1. Integer It gets are the set of positive whole numbers their opposites and o ample: 2. Opposites: Opposites are two numbers that are the same distance from 0 on a number line but in opposite directions Frample: Rational number is a number that can be written in 3. Rational Number the form a/b or -a/b where a is a whole number and B is a positive whole number the rational number includes the intergers Framples Absolute value of a number a is the distance between a 4. Absolute Value: and zero on a number line to the absolute value of a written as a : A coordinate plane is formed by horizontal 5. Coordinate Plane; number line called the X axis and a vertical line called the Y axis Frample: An ordered pair identifies the location of a point in the 6. Ordered Pair corner and blame the x-coordinate shows a point position left or right of the Y axis the Y coordinate Frample: shows a point position up or down from the axis 7. Origin: The origin is the point of intersection of the X and y axes On a coordinate plane