Both fusion and fission processes are a great energy sources, since they release a lot of energy when it happens, the difference is that when we have Fission, the atom is being splitted into two lighter atoms with lighter nuclei, on the other hand Fusion is when we put together two lighter atoms to have a new one, releasing an enormous amount of energy that can also be felt as heat.
A) Nuclear Fusion, the sun ins constantly putting together hydrogen atoms and making helium atoms, and also releasing a huge amount of energy that we feel here on earth
B) Nuclear Fission, as I already explained before
C) Nuclear Fusion, this process requires an incredible amount of energy to occur, but also release a lot of energy
D) Nuclear Fusion
E) Nuclear Fusion, there are countries doing research into this topic in order to generate usable energy from it
F) Nuclear Fission, nowadays powerplants only use fission
G) Nuclear Fission
H) Nuclear Fusion