Given the time taken by the boys in a relay race.
First, make the denominator of the given time of all boys to 12.
Time took by James

Time took by Gilbert = 11/12
Time took by Matthew

Time took by SImon = 7/12
1. In the given time, fastest boy is Gilbert (time with highest numerator) and the slowst boy is Simon ( time with lowest numerator).
The difference between the fastest boy's time and the lowest boy's time

2. Time taken by the boys for the relay race equals the sum of time each boy taken. So. time taken for the relay race

School record time for the relay race

Since 36 > 31, so the boys taken more time than the school's record.
Time slower were the boys than school record

The boys are 5/12 units slower than the school's record.
3. Given that:
Gallons of water the boys have to share that day

Gallons of water James drank

Gallons of water Gilbert drank = 5/6
Gallons of water Matthew drank

Gallons of water Simon drank

Total gallons of water the boys drank

Gallons of water left at the end of the day
= Gallons of water to share by the boys that day - Total gallons of water the boys drank

Hence, 1/2 gallons of water left at the end of the day.