The number of students who drank alcohol is 836 students.

The number of students who smoked cigarettes is 624 students.

The number of students who used illegal drugs is 176 students.

The number of students who drank alcohol and used smoked cigarettes is 395.

The number of students who drank alcohol and used illegal drugs is 101

The number of students who smoked cigarettes and used illegal drugs is 106

The number of students engaged in all three is 85.

The total number of students is 1250 students.

131 engaged in none of the behavior.
The number of students who drank alcohol or used illegal drugs is 911

We need to find the number of students who drank alcohol only.
Step-by-step explanation:
Let set A represents the number of students who drank alcohol.
Let set C represents the number of students who smoked cigarettes.
Let set D represents the number of students who used illegal drugs.
Consider the formula.

Substitute know values.

Final answer:
The number of students who drank alcohol only is 425 students.