The GCF or Greatest Common Factor is the highest integer number that divides two or more numbers. In our case, we need to find the highest number that divides 140, 100, and 110. To do that, we'll have to list down all possible factors of each number.
Let's start with 140. The factors are:
a. 1 and 140
b. 2 and 120
c. 4 and 35
d. 5 and 28
e. 7 and 20
f. 10 and 14
The factors of 100 are:
a. 1 and 100
b. 2 and 50
c. 4 and 25
d. 5 and 20
e. 10 and 10
The factors of 110 are:
a. 1 and 110
b. 2 and 55
c. 5 and 22
d. 10 and 11
The common factors of the three numbers are 1, 2, 5, and 10. Therefore, the GCF is 10.