Between the Civil War and World War World War II) the United States became more
of an ( agricultural, industrial) ation. Powerful commercial giants called "Big Business"
developed in various industries such as oil, steel, and railroads.
Several factors led to the growth of these industries. First, advances in transportation helped
to create the national, local) markets they needed to grow. Trains and automobiles allowed products to be shipped
from one part of the country to another. At the same time the development
of ( radio, advertising ) helped to increase the demand for goods. The invention of the
( assembly line, factory ) led to lower-cost production and those savings were passed on to the consumer in the form
of ( more expensive, cheaper) goods. Finally, the fast growth in various industries led to the rise to power of several
men who came to be known as "captains of industry." John D. Rockefeller led the ( automobile, oil, steel ) industry;
Andrew Camegie led the
( automobile, oil, steel ) industry, and Henry Ford led the ( automobile, oil, steel) industry, while Comelius Vander Bilt led the (steel,railroad,oil) industry.