We have to find the tenth digit of the decimal expansion of 1234/9999 after the decimal point.
We estimate that this will be a periodic number. We then can find its decimal expression as:

NOTE: when the denominator is a number with all digits equal to 9, the resulting decimal is a periodic decimal with the numerator repeating with a number of digits equal to the number of digits of the denominator.
In this case, we have 9999, so we have 4 digits. Then, the decimal will repeat "1234", a four digit number. If the numerator has more digits, then we would have a mixed number and the whole part should be treated separately.
Then, now we can count. We have 8 decimal digits for the first two repetitions and then 1 for the 9th place and 2 for the 10th place.
Then, the tenth digit of the decimal expansion is 2.
Answer: 2 [Option C]