Law of Detachment
For the law of detachment to apply, you must have two statements. The first statement must be a conditional statement and the other, a non-conditional but supporting statement. The non-conditional statement must match the hypothesis of the first statement, which is conditional on arriving at a logical conclusion.
The law of detachment gives that:

Law of Syllogism
In the rule of syllogism, there are three parts involved. Each of these parts is called a conditional argument. The hypothesis is the conditional statement that follows after the word if. The inference follows after the word then.
To represent each phrase of the conditional statement, a letter is used. The pattern looks like this:

Let's label the statements as follows:

Therefore, the statements are:

Hence, the conclusion is given using the Law of Syllogism:

The conclusion is "If Terryl completes a course with a grade of C, then he will have to take the course again."