To solve the above mixed number, here are the steps:
1. Make sure that the fraction part have the same denominator. For this, we can multiply 2/2 on 3/5 so that they will have the same denominator that is 10.

So, this means, the equation can also be written as:

2. Add the whole number separately. Add the fractions separately as well.

3. Notice that 13/10 is an improper fraction because the numerator is bigger than the denominator. Because this is an improper fraction, we can break this down into two fractions: 10/10 + 3/10. Hence, the equation in step 2 can also be written as:

4. We can convert 10/10 = 1 because any number having a denominator by itself is 1. Hence, the equation in step 3 can be written as:

The sum of the two mixed number is 5 3/10.