Since the escalator is 20 meters long and it takes 50 seconds to ride from the bottom to the top, the escalator speed is given by:

Since the person starts walking with a speed of 1 m/s, then the relative speed is the sum of the person speed and the escalator speed:

So, calculating the time for a distance of 20 meters, we have:

It takes 14.286 seconds for a person to get to the top.
Now, to calculate the force needed, let's first calculate the acceleration, then we use the second law of Newton to calculate the force:

The force needed is 100 N.
If the escalator angle is 15° and its length is 20 meters, we can calculate the height with the formula for the vertical component:

The height lifted is 5.176 meters.
The potential energy (PE) can be calculated with the formula below:

The potential energy (PE) is 3043.488 J.