We can see that the reactants would be:
2 tomato slices, 4 cucumber slices, 2 bread slices.
And the ingredients available are:
8 tomato slices, 22 cucumber slices, 8 bread slices.
You can note that for tomato and bread slices, multiplying the reactants by 4, we have 8 tomato slices and 8 bread slices, these are the exact amount that we have in ingredients. But, if we multiply 4 cucumber slices by 4. we're going to have that we need 16 cucumber slices, but in the available ingredients we have an excess because there are 22 cucumber slices and we just need 16 slices.
This would be our leftover reactant. As we're going to use 16 slices of cucumber and we have 22 slices, we have 6 slices of cucumber left over, so the answer would be six cucumber slices.