Kansas will change its license plate numbering system to the following
LL-XX-LL-X , where:
• X's represent numbers
• L's are represented by letters.
• The first 2 numbers can't be 5 or 0
• The last number can only be 1-5
• The first and second letters cant be A,B, or C
Now, we proceed to each calculation, this way:
• First letter: 23 available letters (26 - A, B and C)
• Second letter : 23 available letters (26 - A, B and C)
• First number: 8 available numbers (10 - 0 and 5)
• Second number: 8 available numbers (10 - 0 and 5)
• Third letter: 26 available
• Fourth letter : 26 available
• Last number: 5 available (Only can be 1-5)
Plates available = 23 * 23 * 26 * 26 * 8 * 8 * 5
Plates available = 114'433,280